The size and scope of the problems we face on the planet at the moment are huge. And yet the size, scope and attention paid to the response to these problems is lukewarm, mediocre, on the edge, in the minority and at times even outlawed. There is a mismatch between the size of the problem and the size of the response. It is important to ask why this mismatch? Responses can be blocked if part of our communities or part of our own psyche doesn’t want to hear about the problems because they are too painful to face. How we deal with the pain that arises for hearing about the problems influences our response.
In the second station of the Work That Reconnects spiral we take time to honour our pain, so that we can connect with what is already inside of us.
We were privileged to have a safe container in which we could share our stories, our feelings and our tears. There was a depth to our sharing that moved us all deeply. To hear voices from around the globe talking of the grief and anger that is present in their lives was a challenge and a blessing. We discovered that we all carry in our hearts fear of the future, anger at the current situations, grief for what we have lost. The stories were at once deeply personal and universal. Through sharing we connected to our own hearts, to each other, to the suffering of our ancestors, to the injustices of people around the planet, to our brother and sister species.
Tomorrow we will make meaning and move to seeing with new eyes.