Song leader design

in 2022 I enrolled for Heather Houston’s 6 month online song leader training. At the same time I was leading the CEED – Cultural Emergence Effective Design course, so I choose to do this as my design. And it was successful – I can now lead songs confidently.

One of my learnings about doing the voice over for this design is that it is then much harder to go and add anything. And I realised that I had forgotten to write about the ethics in the design – so here they are

Ethics in this design

Peoplecare – Singing is a great tool for self-care and nourishment. Singing together has extra benefits of connection and release of oxcytocin – the feel good hormone. Singing also brings empowerment and can be a great tool for finding our metaphorical and literal voices in the world

Earthcare – The choice of songs has relevance here. There are many beautiful songs with lyrics that bring us into connection with the elements, Earth, natural rhythms, plants, trees, animals, birds etc.

Fair shares – Singing for ourselves and with others helps us move away from being passive consumers into active producers.

For more info on Heather Houston’s song leader training and her music see

To see the Design Web
For the next CEED – Cultural Emergence Effective Design and other Cultural Emergence courses see

For Looby’s song circles

For the Mother Nature podcast with me and Heather see here

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