When I was writing People and Permaculture I had a mindmap, which had ‘any topic’ in the middle and all the tools of permaculture thinking branching off. When starting to write about a subject I would write it in the … read more
Tag Archives: principles of permaculture
I don’t usually get too involved in politics, although having said that everything we do could be interpreted as a political act, from the language we use to what we buy. Even growing our own food can be seen as … read more
Introduction This design began formally in January 2016. I have had RSI –Repetitive Strain Injury in my right arm on and off since 2011. Inspired by a design by one of my diploma apprentices, Nam Taylor, I decided to give … read more
The last month has been a bit of a rollercoaster ride for us. A 57 acre site nearby went on the market, due for auction at the end of April. It was a beautiful site, with woods, pasture and stunning … read more
This is probably the principle that I struggle with most, and therefore probably the one that has most learning for me. I’m the type of person that if decluttering a room would empty every drawer at once and then find … read more
Around this time of year, and through the winter, there are generally many colds and bugs doing the rounds. Over the last few months I have had chronic RSI (repetitive strain injury) in my right arm. I have been managing … read more
So I missed Thursday for my weekly blog post. What happened? I’m not sure to be honest, maybe I was creatively using and responding to changed too much. It’s so easy when lacking inspiration to find excuses, to think “the … read more
While thinking about the principle of obtain a yield I stumbled across one of the challenges of people based designs. They are sometimes known as ‘invisible’ designs, because the problem and solution and not necessarily visible or tangible. When we … read more
When I first made the commitment to write people and permaculture, I looked for a principle that would assist me in keeping this commitment. I realised that while I was having lots of ideas and interesting conversations about people care, … read more
After the excesses of Christmas I had been cutting right back on my sugar intake. This has involved me self-regulating, and being aware of my eating patterns and associations. I’ve noticed that my craving for sugar is much greater when … read more