#WorkingTowardsZero #safetyculture Any statistic above zero for sexual violence is too much. Can we imagine a world where the statistic is zero? Can we proactively work towards zero? After a week of feeling challenged and awakened by the many voices … read more
Tag Archives: visioning the future
It’s the end of an era with the passing away of Bill Mollison, co-founder of permaculture. It’s up to us now to follow in his footsteps and be courageous, bold, outspoken, practical and visionary. When an elder dies it is … read more
When I was writing People and Permaculture I had a mindmap, which had ‘any topic’ in the middle and all the tools of permaculture thinking branching off. When starting to write about a subject I would write it in the … read more
My last post a few days ago was about why I wanted to stay in the EU. Now just a few days later and I have to shift my thinking, firstly traveling through feelings of shock, disappointment, disbelief. There seems … read more
I don’t usually get too involved in politics, although having said that everything we do could be interpreted as a political act, from the language we use to what we buy. Even growing our own food can be seen as … read more
Like most of the world I had been watching and celebrating Mandela’s life, and grieving for his passing, over this past week. As I have been watching snippets of the past oppressions and violence I’m grateful that so much has … read more
On the design immersion weeks this summer participants had a day for each of the phases of the design web. We worked through the growth phase (vision, helps and limits), the exploratory phase (patterns, ideas and principles), the productive phase … read more
We started today with exploring culture. I liked the analogy from family therapy that one participant shared, of our culture being the water in the goldfish bowl we swim around in. We accept this as the way things are. It … read more
While writing ‘People and Permaculture’ I asked many people for their hope for humanity. What’s your highest vision? If we were free from fear and limitations what is the journey for humanity our hearts would like to participate in? On … read more